In 1939, obtained awards for a series of peasant tales in Argentina, and Editorial Zig-Zag publishes its first book of short stories traces on the Earth. In 1941, he was appointed Librarian of the Lycee of men of Rancagua (renamed in the early 1970s as Liceo Oscar Castro Zuniga thanks to management students and members of the literary group Los useless) by a decree of the Ministry of education. In that educational campus, he also worked as a journalist and Professor of Spanish language. That same year it created the night Liceo de Rancagua along with other teachers. Adds us Wikipedia, that her daughter Leticia Emerald, only eleven months died in 1945. That same year is diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis, and must remain at rest two months.
In the year 1946 decides to accept a post the Liceo Juan Antonio Rios Santiago, where starts its work on 8 March 1947 and travels continuously to Rancagua. Your health suffers in severe form and enters the Salvador Hospital on September 12, died on November 1, 1947 in Santiago de Chile.Sin doubt, is very interesting what adds us, that his premature demise, to cause of tuberculosis, did not stop to leave a rich literary production. He published several books of poetry, road at dawn (1938), prologued by Augusto D Halmar, travel from dawn to night (1941) and recapture of man (1944). Gongorino glossary (1948) and dew appeared posthumously in clover (1950). The influence of Federico Garcia Lorca (and of his Romancero gitano) is evident in his poetry. The last of the works that the author published in life was his first novel, Comarca of Jasmine (1945), which was followed by the posthumous Llampo of blood (1950), which has been qualified as the best novel Chilean of mining environment, life simply (1951), autobiographical, prostibulario atmosphere, and Lina and his shadow (1958), which tells the story of a woman victim of the harassment of her lover in this opportunity we will make mention of an interesting poem that holds much sensitivity yen relative to the discovery of America inviting those who who have born in these soils, let us not forget our origin, what America has been and is.