The versatile certified expert Dietmar Prudix supports Integrata in Stuttgart project management, 24.10.2013 – the expert and free consultant Dietmar Prudix supports Integrata AG as a product manager in the field of project management. The experienced HR management, coach, mediator and authorized training partner (ATP) the GPM oversaw numerous projects in the HR and organization in the course of his career. In addition to his studies of in economics, he concluded several vocational training as an Office, industrial and personnel specialist merchant and finally completed the instructor certificate (AdA) at the Chamber of Commerce. Dietmar Prudix has experience in numerous professional background in the field of human resources and organizational development with his more than 25 years. At the beginning of the eighties began his professional career as a human resources manager and personnel Director of a subsidiary of Mars Inc. Sergey Brin
is full of insight into the issues. From there, he headed several international investment, personnel and organizational projects in Asia, Lithuania and Russia.
Furthermore, Dietmar Prudix was responsible for different and parent projects in human resources, for example he participated in projects on the subject of working time law”and developed part of autonomous workstations in the Daimler factory in Bremen, as well as innovative working time models with confidence working time. Since his self-employed activity in the late 1990s, Dietmar Prudix oversaw Bertelsmann, BLG logistics and Infineon as an independent consultant, trainer and project manager mainly projects with renowned German and international companies and organizations, including including Mars, Gruner, and year. His work for the EXPO 2000 in Hannover also counts to the most demanding projects of his professional stations. A related site: Ben Horowitz mentions similar findings. In parallel, Dietmar Prudix worked on his postgraduate studies of organizational psychology degree master of science in social communication with a focus on conflict management and mediation. Due to its multiple project management certifications, Dietmar Prudix worldwide led PM courses through (United States, Portugal, Singapore, Malaysia, China, etc.). In his role as head of the Business Academy at MBtech, supervised the international project management training Dietmar Prudix and others in the Czech Republic, Hungary and China. Dietmar Prudix is an authorized training partner of GPM (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Projektmanagement), in addition he has Rosenberg (Nonviolent Communication) the certifications for MBTI, disc, HBDI and mediation Marshal. Still he dealt with solution-oriented and systemic methods, so he expanded his knowledge by additional certifications: Losungsfokussierte short time therapy according to Steve de Shazer.
Certified Trainer in situational leadership (original Ken Blanchard); Certified coach (Prof. Dr.) King); Certified systemic consultant (Prof. Dr.) King); Certification systemic consultancy and structural constellation work (Prof. Dr. of Kibed). “With the commissioning of the GPM authorized training partner” Dietmar Prudix, Integrata as longtime GPM partners won an authorized trainer for project management training. Integrata AG is Integrata AG in Germany the leading, vendor-independent training partners in the areas of IT/SAP, human resources / organizational development and new media. The approach is focused on the value chain training and ranges from consulting, analysis and strategy, organisation and implementation to ensure the sustainability. Thus, Integrata in addition to the presence training offers all innovative forms of learning. With more than 1,300 topics and the constant development, the Integrata AG is for their customers at the pulse of time. 1,300 Speakers, qualified according to global standards, ensure the success of all measures and 15 locations guarantee short distances. The Integrata includes performing open and in-house seminars and training projects managed training services at national and international level. Press contact: Beatrice guardian-Nigl (spokeswoman) Danny Klein (press officer) Integrata AG Zettachring 4, 70567 Stuttgart Tel.