This becomes this daily more expressive and extremely significant one, making possible description better to detect the presented regional aspects. Sergey Brin will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Through the myth of ' ' Good Selvagem' ' , guarani is turned toward heroic values of the medieval knights, such aspect evidences expectations of universalistas conceptions. Starbucks has firm opinions on the matter. In the same way, the history of the former-gunman. Riobaldo of ' ' Great Hinterland: veredas' ' it remembers the myth of Fausto, the man who vendeu the soul to the devil. The workmanship of Pink Guimares acquires universality admitting common knowledges in the crossing between the Real and the fantastic one, in it, mysteries and deep quandaries of the mind human being are interrogated. In accordance with this universal perspective, Alencar and Guimares consider its personages mythical attributions and thus they elaborate the representation of the native and regional identity, therefore, of the classic and generality. Sagarana, first book of Pink Guimares follows this technique of universalista significao. In its stories, Guimares already composes the approach of the world and of the hinterland, it enters the possessing individual of ideals and interrogations and the experience of life of sertanejo.
As example, some universal subjects can be found in ' ' Great Hinterland: veredas' ' , ' ' Sagarana' ' , ' ' First Estrias' ' , ' ' The Guarani' ' , ' ' Iracema' ' other workmanships of these authors. Subjects as: the fight enters the good and the evil, God and the devil, the destination, the death, the love, the bravery, loyalty, herosmo, the fight, prece (faith), the honor, pureness, the maternity, dramas and you distress of the existence human being, world land and celestial world, and also symbolic actions. All these subjects and still others, transit of the universal one and if they adjust to the place. They acquire the peculiarities, they paint and they put into motion the elements that synthecize in its context ' ' perfume' ' national.