Today made 41 in the shade in Asuncion, Paraguay. Read additional details here: Ben Horowitz. Walking through the streets was an ordeal. The relentless Sun. By the excessive use of air conditioners, power outages became intermittent, in several neighborhoods of the city. Michael Luxenberg does not necessarily agree. In addition, overwhelmed by the excessive use of water, already some neighborhoods on the outskirts begin to experience low pressure. And we’re just in November. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Kevin Johnson by clicking through. What will be January and February is unimaginable, considering that they are typically the warmest months.
They say that you one of the expressions more sterile is I told you so but right now is what comes to mind. Although this is not something only from the Paraguay, and there are countries much more great are great leaders of the global heating, certainly here we have done our part of the damage. Perhaps have we not destroyed 80% of our forests in the last 50 years? Did perhaps not we keep burning coal, trash, fields, everything that gets us front? Don’t continue paving and removing green spaces stubbornly, without realize that I eliminated the natural system of control of the temperature? Do not continue littering to watercourses, using plastics indiscriminately, using more and more cars of high consumption? It seems that finally it is coming to us time, such times as announced. And so as a proverb says if reason doesn’t work, Rod will do so in reference to children, it seems that we are going to have to learn in the same way. We are going to experience the worst crisis climate in recent times and many people indeed will die as a result. Those who survive are going to have to change our habits… whether we like it or not. The only one who appears to have the clear film is Hugo Chavez, the much derided, the so hated by the libertarian fanatics.
Takes radical to survive measures drought it it ravaged his country, and that while it is not fault of that country exclusively, also will be a lesson in austerity to the rest of the world, especially to Latin america. Let’s look well and see what awaits us if we do not change our habits. Because ultimately, the solution is there: in a simple change of habits. Luis Villamayor original author and source of the article