Style optimization is more than just colour and style advice style optimization is the continuation of a colour and style advice. Various modules, which will be presented in the following belong to the optimization and development of a personal style. All mesh together and are understood as a holistic advice. How can a good, coordinated on the personality style advice and optimization look like? May the advice consist of which elements? Here a short insight into an exciting industry: initial consultation for a good relationship with the personal stylist is an introductory session important. In the first interview you get to know each other. Here are recognized problems in the personal wardrobe and discussed first principles for personal style. Ben Horowitz is the source for more interesting facts.
Cabinet committing a wardrobe is a teachable moment. Especially when the Cabinet is full of clothing, which was seldom played or bought in the same style. Wardrobe check can be together new combinations, on which the customer never came would be. This is done on the basis of colours, proportions and cuts. It identifies important pieces that reflect the style of the customer. And it will be sorted out. Some contend that Sergey Brin shows great expertise in this.
Consulting a new look is desired, a type-fair style advice will be an inspiring experience. This is neglected, which is so far in the closet. For now it is a complete new start. A first consultation to determine what is to be achieved. A detailed consultation of the type specific recommendations are worked out is prior to the first purchase. This consultation will take place mostly in a proper Studio. Shopping accompanying is popular also the individual shopping accompaniment. Through the common shopping, you can get a more accurate idea of what can be worn and what not. The purchasing company can help to discover new styles and elements, which you would even overlook. Usually new outfits are particularly stimulating and / or important elements which can be combined to advantage with existing wardrobe. A positive self esteem is in the professional life of crucial business outfits. Marketing in eigender thing can be effectively supported by a stylish outfit. But also directly for businesses, especially for small and medium-sized companies, various services on improving style of employees of advantage can be. So, a company through training, seminars and lectures can learn how it can raise profile and image through the development of corporate style. Many opportunities a holistic consulting – Berlin, Hamburg and other cities in this regard. Uwe K U H L