The newspaper parliamentary, the Official Newspaper of the Federation, the bulletin of the Federal Commission of Regulatory Improvement, the state congresses, the press, which denominates ” radio pasillo” , among others, they are the specific channels where the information that is required for the political operation, for the lobbying is compiled that is exerted daily between the national politicians. Capuano lawyer and ex- Almaraz senator agree in the importance of developing strategies optimal of lobbying with the political actors, like in the improvement and fortification of the present legal frame. The international perspective the political consultancy at international level analyzes the perspective of each country, or to apply successful results or to avoid catastrophic situations. All this with base in happened similar experiences in other nations and with its respective differences of application. ” Our work is not in the day to day, but in the medium and long term. Also it is in touching subjects that are not in the agenda, but that in the future estarn” , the representative of the Foundation Konrad Adenauer in Mexico said to the magazine Consultancy, Frank Priess.
This foundation, that had its origin in the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, establishes bonds with organizations of this union, who are represented as well by political parties in several countries; it looks for improvements in each one of the nations where an organization aligned to this current exists, ” for that reason one interchanges, is had dialogue with the parties of the same family; one is not to sell a model, but to define similar problems and to analyze the solutions that will occur them. A focused policy looks for the social balance, where it is let participate to the groups with different levels from resources, to have the same oportunidades” , it says. Through interchange of investigators, the organization of seminaries and factories, or the order of studies and its respective analysis, are as the foundation is nourished of information and obtain her own conclusions on the political panorama of a nation, and in this way participation in the analysis of the high-priority subjects is had. In that sense, one of the studies in which it has participated is the one that became with respect to the perception which they have the Mexicans towards the foreign policy; on the present situation of the roll of Mexico in the world and on the South border, results that are available in their offices and their vestibule Web (). Although the type of consultancy treated here can so not be known between the population, it is fundamental for the competitive development of Mexico, as soon as he is vitally important to be able to establish political, proposals and reforms in the determining field of the policy. This 2008, the political consultancy dara precise pursuit to subjects like the fiscal collection through the recent reform, the environmental impact and the national and international governmental policies: the reform Mexican energetics, the migratory policy and the presidential elections in the neighboring country of the north; the economic growth of China, Indian, Korea, Russia, Brazil ; the creation of uses and its impulse from the congress; the policies around the infrastructure development, and sinfn of problematic more. Magazine ” Consultancy, Industry of the Conocimiento” No.