In this context, It hisses affirms that, Ahead of such situation the ones that defend a cultured, padronizadora norm, to be transmitted and controlled for the social institutions for this organized only can to support itself in the ideal grammar, compendiada with bases in arbitrary data. Those that partilham as principle the defense of the Brazilian linguistic diversity as starting point for the education of the language materna in Brazil if see without an instrument scientifically prepared from which a creative and enriquecedor pedagogical work for the students and the Portuguese language in its historical diversity can be lead. (1994, p-216) Thus, leaving of the beginning of that the use of the language must constitute as much starting point how much of arrival, the activities of writing and reading must intend to the development of the pupil of the abilities of understanding, reflection and construction, and not establish barriers for the development of the same ones. A time that the social democratization presumes guarantee of access to the linguistic knowledge that are necessary the citizenship, the recognition of the pupil as citizen and the valuation of its previous knowledge is essential agent for the development of the education of Portuguese language. It competes to the school facing the linguistic preconceptions, defending the respect to the difference and extinguishing some referring myths to the language, with intention to acquire knowledge the pupils on the necessity of adaptation of the employed language to the communication context. Bibliographical references: CARDOSO, Suzana. Language: half of oppression or socialization? In: Diversity of the Portuguese of Brazil: studies of the dialectologia. Salvador: Publishing and Didactic center of UFBA, 1994.
SAUSSURE, Ferdinand of. Course of general linguistics. 2 ed. So Paulo: Cultrix publishing company, 1980. 1 Graduated Pedagogia for the UNEB and graduating History for the UFRB. Professor of History of the Basic Education in the city of Valena/Bahia. 2 Graduated Pedagogia for the UNEB. Teacher of Basic Ensino I of the city of Salvador/Bahia.